CALM Recovery™ – Accelerate Recovery After Aesthetic Procedures

Healthy, clear skin is a sign of overall health. Effective aesthetic procedures are available and help people maintain vibrant skin. The challenge is the waiting time after these procedures, when skin can be red, itchy, irritated or taut.

A new solution is available. Following procedures like collagen injections, thread lifts, botox, microneedling and CO2 laser skin procedures, use CALM Recovery™.  Our patented delivery system maximizes the positive effects, soothing and healing skin in recovery. Decrease your downtime by using CALM Recovery™ as part of your post treatment protocol, and get back to your life faster.

Want to learn more? Keep reading about how CALM Recovery™ can be used after aesthetic procedures to soothe and restore clear, comfortable and beautiful skin.

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Aesthetic Procedures and Healthy Skin

When you seek long-term solutions for fine lines, dark spots, scars and lackluster skin, you’ll likely turn to cutting edge aesthetic procedures. These may include:

  • Facials
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Chemical peels
  • Mesotherapy
  • Microneedling
  • Electrocautery
  • RF treatment
  • Laser treatment

Most typically, people undergo these treatments to address common skin complaints and issues, including:

  • Skin laxity
  • Spots
  • Unwanted hair
  • Scars
  • Wrinkles
  • Discoloration
  • Moles
  • Excess skin or fat

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and  it should be treated with care. CALM Recovery™ is expertly formulated and uses our patented APT delivery system to accelerate skin’s repair and restoration.

Do You Know Your Skin Type?

Numerous factors impact your skin’s ability to recover after an aesthetic procedure. Keep in mind that your skin also changes. Age, hormones, illness, sun exposure, stress and diet change your skin. Knowing your skin type will help you understand how your skin reacts to treatments, and how to care for your skin as you recover.

These are the most common skin types:

  • Dry—tight, even flaky at times. Dryness can be in a pattern or patches, or all over. You may have dry skin on some or all parts of your body.
  • Oily—slick, oily on the surface and typically prone to breakouts from oil clogging your pores. Again, this may be in a pattern (typically the T-zone on your face). You can also have oily skin on other parts of your body, typically the back.
  • Normal—you may have minimal skin complaints, or are observing your typically complaint-free skin change as you age or have spent time in the sun or harsh environments.
  • Combination—some people have very dry skin on their elbows, knees and cheeks and oily skin on their T-zone or back. This is combination skin.
  • Sensitive—if you often have trouble with skincare products or struggle with redness or allergic reactions, you may have sensitive skin.

Each skin type will have a different recovery process. While you may undergo aesthetic procedures to enhance the overall look and feel of your skin, the immediate results are typically unattractive and can be uncomfortable. Even minimally invasive procedures, like microneedling, can leave skin feeling irritated, tight and painful.

Don’t Forget Daily Skincare Routines

CALM Recovery™ is going to accelerate your skin’s recovery. In between procedures, you should make every effort to maintain healthy skin. This will also contribute to a faster recovery.

Your daily skincare routine doesn’t have to be 20 steps long, but it should include a few basic points of care. To care for your skin everyday:

  • Wash it with a cleanser that works for your skin type.
  • Use sun protection every day.
  • Moisturize it with a lotion or cream.

Of course, what you put on your skin is only part of the equation.

Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy

Foods that make your body healthy are also good for your skin. The connection between what is absorbed into your body and how your skin reacts is evidence-based. Beyond the breakouts of teen years, your body releases toxins. If you consume too many toxins or food products that are difficult to digest, it will negatively impact your skin health as well.

Besides simply avoiding packaged or processed foods, the goal is to consume a wide array of proper vitamins and minerals. Eating a balanced diet with proper nutrients supports healthy skin and other organs.

Here are 6 foods that pack a powerhouse punch in your quest for healthy glowing skin:

  1. Red grapes, which have high-value resveratrol in them.
  2. Avocados are full of healthy fats and can help protect against sun damage.
  3. Fatty fish, for the omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E that keep skin supple and moisturized.
  4. Sweet potatoes, for their beta carotene and vitamin A.
  5. Tomatoes contain a ton of vitamin C and lycopene, which has been shown to protect your skin against sun damage.
  6. Dark chocolate contains a powerhouse of antioxidants that can keep your skin hydrated and supple while diminishing wrinkles.

Limit Exposure to Harmful Things

Sun damage can develop into rapid aging, fine lines, sensitivities, unpredictable outbreaks and unexplained rashes or hot spots. The good news is that sun damage is largely preventable.

Here are some tips to limit the harm you do to your skin everyday:

  • Use sunblock or sunscreen as well as hats and sunglasses.
  • Regularly clean and wash your face.
  • Limit the chemicals and toxins in your lotions and detergent.
  • Limit your exposure to cigarette smoke and UV light.

Over the counter skin care products often lack the ability to truly absorb into your skin, beyond the first layer or two. Once these layers slough off, you’re left with the same issues. If you want care that’s more than skin deep, CALM Recovery is the perfect solution.

Natural Recovery for a Youthful Glow

Frown lines, laugh lines and lost elasticity drive many people to one or more of the skin treatments listed above. While cosmetic surgery may be less frequent, regular treatments of

facials, botox, micro-needling and more may be part of your regularly scheduled beauty appointments.

CALM Recovery™ is the best topical formulation to speed recovery and reduce discomfort after all these treatments.

APT Delivery System for Your Skin

This unique Advanced Performance TechnologyTM (APTTM) product utilizes a proprietary, dual-carrier topical drug delivery system to provide effective and rapid healing.

CALM Recovery is an APTTM based cosmetic formulation that combines 3 botanical extracts:

  1. Arnica
  2. Calendula
  3. Ledum

It is designed to soothe skin and increase recovery.

The calming botanical extracts combined with our cutting-edge delivery system give your skin the power to heal. The CALM Recovery™ proprietary formula soothes and helps the healing process faster and deeper than typical cosmetic products. This leaves you with calm, soothed skin.

CALM Recovery™ contains no alcohol to irritate your skin, no biological products and no animal ingredients.

Improve your skin health today with the help of CALM Recovery™.

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